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A LANtastic Setup for Use with Wildcat 2.0P
The following is a description of a possible setup for
LANtastic with Wildcat 2.0P. I've been running this set up for 2 months now
and have not had any LANtastic or wildcat related problems with it.
I would like to thank MUSTANG! software for allowing me to be apart
of their beta test team, and for the excellent programming and support
associated with their products.
Hugh Mitchell, M.D.
Doctor On Board HST
St. Catharines, ON
(416) 684-7710 DATA
(416) 684-0866 Voice
Fidonet 250/101
*LANtastic is a TM of ARTISOFT INC. 3550 N 1st Ave. St.
Tuscson, Arizona, 85719
602-293-6363 Voice
*Wildcat! is a TM of MUSTANG! Software Inc. 3125-19th Street, Suite 162
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(805) 395-0223 Voice.
The following is a description of the hardware and software I use
for a two node setup for wildcat.
SYSTEM: Server IBM clone 8 mhz AT.
Award bios 1.03
Perstor 16f HD Controller
Miniscribe 70 MEG
Miniscribe 40 MEG
PC-DOS 4.01
USRobotics Courier HST 9600
Workstation IBM clone 4.77 Mhz XT
Phoenix Bios
Fuji 40 MEG
MS-DOS 3.30
SupraModem 2400
Network LANtastic Lanbios 1.81
Network 2.79s
Important NOTE: I run wildcat with lantastic differently than what
is mentioned in the wildcat docs. For one, having
a hard drive on the workstation, I've been able to
put the wildcat.exe and wildcat.ovr files in a
directory unique to the workstation. I am therefore
running two bbs programs, one on the server
and one on the workstation. What I'm sharing between
the two systems is the message, file, and user base.
You should be able to share the programs as well,
however, to do this you will have to make the .exe
a read only file using the dos attribute command.
This synopsis only describes how I've set up my
system, and does not go into a variety of other
setups. It may not be the best setup for yourself,
and all I can say is that it appears to work for me.
Lantastic Setup:
The following screens are snapshots of the lantastic directory, and
menu screens. A picture is a thousand words.
Volume Serial Number is 1D53-17EC
Directory of C:\LANTASTI
. <DIR> 06-04-89 10:36p
.. <DIR> 06-04-89 10:36p
REDIR EXE 13113 02-13-89 2:47p
SERVER EXE 15243 02-13-89 2:51p
NET EXE 16777 02-15-89 9:10a
NET HLP 19200 02-13-89 11:20a
NET_MGR EXE 17463 02-15-89 9:11a
NET_MGR HLP 21376 02-13-89 11:18a
LANBIOS EXE 16473 02-06-89 10:33a
LANCHECK EXE 4480 01-14-88 4:45p
LANPUP DOC 14080 08-26-88 1:50p
LANPUP EXE 5669 02-15-89 9:06a
NBSETUP DOC 7711 02-13-89 11:55a
NBSETUP EXE 2517 02-13-89 11:52a
LANBIOS DOC 19028 02-13-89 2:45p
LANTASTI DOC 14389 02-13-89 2:37p
MKIMAGE DOC 3616 02-13-89 3:07p
MKIMAGE EXE 3955 02-13-89 3:31p
README DOC 2679 02-13-89 2:39p
19 File(s) 6049792 bytes free
The way I have my system set up, is with lantastic installed in
the hard drives of both the workstation and the server. First I'll describe
the setup for the SERVER.
The following is the setup for the NET_MGR program. This is how I've
set up the Network Access Information. (Choice 2 in the net_mgr menu)
LANtastic (tm) Network Manager - (C) Copyright 1989 ARTISOFT Inc.
Directories/devices => Links
. => C:\LANtasti.NET
CDOB => C:
DDOB => D:
E1 => E:
F1 => F:
G1 => G:
H1 => H:
A1 => A:
----> The next is menu 3 of net_mgr.
Ins-Create link, Del-Delete link, Enter-Modify link, ?-Help
LANtastic (tm) Network Manager - (C) Copyright 1989 ARTISOFT Inc.
Press Enter to modify Server installation window
Maximum users Maximum users 2
Network buffer Network buffer 8192
Maximum adapters Maximum adapters 1
Network tasks Network tasks 2
Send Server ID Send Server ID ENABLED
Remote Booting Remote Booting DISABLED
Floppy direct Floppy direct DISABLED
Despooling Despooling DISABLED
Audit server up
Audit logins AUDITING
Audit logouts Server up DISABLED
Audit queueing Logins DISABLED
Audit printing Logouts DISABLED
Audit user entry Queueing DISABLED
Access allowed Printing DISABLED
Access denied User Entry DISABLED
Access allowed -----------
Access denied -----------
That's it to setting up LANtastic, apart from installing the cards and
program. Now for the config.sys and autoexec.bat.
files=60 ----> I run netmail and find I need it set high.
buffers=60 Also should probably have it as the first statement.
FCBS=16,8 ----> File control Block. 15,8 or 16,8 best.
shell = c:\command.com /p /e:256 ----> Expands environment string for path.
device=dmdrvr.bin -----> Disk Manager <TM> control device
device=vdisk.sys 320 512 /E ------> Expanded memory 320k above 640k
stacks=18,256 ----> Found I needed to increase it to 36,256 etc especially
when running Frontdoor as a front-end mailer. Have
since converted over to D'Bridge.
echo off
prompt $p$g
bnu -t:8192 -x1 ----> BNU130a.com fossil driver. For Front-end mailers.
I have set the transmit buffer to 8192k, and tell
it I'm using a LAN environment...hence -x flag.
lanbios sessions=20 ncbs=20 ---> Setting sessions and ncbs to 20. Loads Lanbios
share /f:4096 /l:60 ----> Documented feature of share. Set file buffers
to at least 4096, and lock them at 60. Default
is 20 if not used, and may cause system crashes
This has been reported, but honestly, I had
installed share without the parameters, and
had no problems.
redir host ----> Host is the servers "name"
cat.bat ---> Call up batch file for wildcat, and d'bridge.
The following is the setup for the Workstation. It is running
on a XT clone, with a 40 meg Hard drive using MS-DOS 3.3.
Going first to the NET_MGR program in the Lantasti directory.
The menu screen looks like this:
LANtastic (tm) Network Manager - (C) Copyright 1989 ARTISOFT Inc.
Main functions
User account information
Network access information ----> Choosing this prompt
Server startup parameters
Audit trail maintenance
Install Software
-----> Setup for network access information:
Press ? for help
LANtastic (tm) Network Manager - (C) Copyright 1989 ARTISOFT Inc.
Directories/devices => Links
. => C:\LANtasti.NET
CDOB => C:
DDOB => D:
E1 => E:
F1 => F:
G1 => G:
H1 => H:
A1 => A:
----> Then going to the menu screen again.
Ins-Create link, Del-Delete link, Enter-Modify link, ?-Help
LANtastic (tm) Network Manager - (C) Copyright 1989 ARTISOFT Inc.
Main functions
User account information
Network access information
Server startup parameters ----> Choosing this prompt.
Audit trail maintenance
Install Software
----> Will show you the following screen.
Press ? for help
LANtastic (tm) Network Manager - (C) Copyright 1989 ARTISOFT Inc.
Press Enter to modify Server installation window
Maximum users Maximum users 2
Network buffer Network buffer 8192
Maximum adapters Maximum adapters 1
Network tasks Network tasks 2
Send Server ID Send Server ID ENABLED
Remote Booting Remote Booting DISABLED
Floppy direct Floppy direct DISABLED
Despooling Despooling DISABLED
Audit server up
Audit logins AUDITING
Audit logouts Server up DISABLED
Audit queueing Logins DISABLED
Audit printing Logouts DISABLED
Audit user entry Queueing DISABLED
Access allowed Printing DISABLED
Access denied User Entry DISABLED
Access allowed -----------
Access denied -----------
Enter-Selects an entry to modify, ?-For help
----> As you can see I've set up lantastic exactly the same for both
the server and the workstation.
Now for the Config.sys and autoexec.bat for the workstation.
DEVICE=ANSI.SYS ----> I said before that FILES should be first,
but it didn't seem to matter on the workstation
FILES=40 ----> I've set the files less because I don't run
net/echo mail from the workstation.
LASTDRIVE=I ----> I only have two drives; c and d, on the
workstation, but have set lastdrive to I
to accomondate the drives on the server!
FCBS=16,8 ----> Again file control blocks.
PATH=C:\;C:\DOS; ----> Setting path to c: which at this time is
the c drive of the workstation.
mode co80,R ----> I use an old CGA card and require this shift
lanbios ----> Loading lanbios. Did not set the sessions or ncbs
share ----> Loading Share - Contrary to what has been said
in the wildcat docs concerning running a
workstation and not needing share, I've found that
in my setup it is required. Note: I have not
set the /f or /l flags, as I've not found I needed
REDIR REMOTE ----> Named the workstation as "remote"
NET LOGIN \\HOST\username\password ----> Logging into the SERVER called HOST
NET USE D: \\HOST\DDOB ---> Defining drive D: as drive D from host.
NET USE E: \\HOST\E1 ---> Defining drive E: as drive E from host
NET USE F: \\HOST\F1 ---> Defining drive F: as drive F from host
net use h: \\host\h1 ---> Defining drive H: as drive H from host
net use i: \\host\g1 ---> Defining drive I: as drive G from host
SUBST G: C:\ ---> Replacing drive C: as drive G: on the workstation.
PATH=G:\;G:\DOS;G:\LANTASTI; ----> Redefining my paths to G: for
the workstation.
CD\LANTASTI ---> changing to the lantasti drive again. This
is not likely needed, but I get confused with
the subst command.
NET USE C: \\HOST\CDOB ----> Defining drive C: as drive C from host.
PATH=G:\;G:\DOS;G:\LANTASTI;C:\WILDCAT;G:\WILDCAT; ----> Redefining my paths.
----> That's the setup. Now what I'm left with on the workstation is
a situation the same on the server. Drives c,d,e,f,h are exactly the same.
Drive g: is unique to the workstation when on the workstation. Drive G: on
the server is still accessable by the workstation, but as drive I:.
With the above in mind, I will now show you the setup for wildcat.
First for the server and then for the workstation.
NODE Information for the SERVER
06-19-89 Node Information 21:37:11
1. Path for menu files : C:\MENU\
2. Path for help files : C:\HELP\
3. Path for display files : C:\DISPLAY\
4. Path for external protocols : C:\WILDCAT\PROTOCOL\
5. Path for bulletins : C:\BULL\
6. Path for questionnaire : C:\QUESTION\
7. Path for doors : C:\WILDCAT\
8. Path for message database : C:\WILDCAT\
9. Path for file database : C:\WILDCAT\
10. Path for user database : C:\WILDCAT\
11. Path for master file : C:\WILDCAT\MASTER\
12. Node ID : 1
13. Security to access node : 1
14. Overwrite chat file : N
15. Network type : DOS 3.x Share
Enter the full DOS path where the menus are located
F1 for HELP - [] select question - [PgUp/PgDn] select page - [Esc] to exit
NODE information for the WORKSTATION!
06-19-89 Node Information 21:38:02
1. Path for menu files : G:\MENU\
2. Path for help files : C:\HELP\ ----> Shared with server.
3. Path for display files : G:\DISPLAY\
4. Path for external protocols : G:\WILDCAT\PROTOCOL\
5. Path for bulletins : C:\BULL\ ----> Shared with server.
6. Path for questionnaire : C:\QUESTION\ ----> Shared with server.
7. Path for doors : G:\WILDCAT\LIVECAT\
8. Path for message database : C:\WILDCAT\ }
9. Path for file database : C:\WILDCAT\ } ----> All shared with
10. Path for user database : C:\WILDCAT\ } server.
11. Path for master file : C:\WILDCAT\MASTER\ }
12. Node ID : 2
13. Security to access node : 20
14. Overwrite chat file : N
15. Network type : DOS 3.x Share
And that is it. I hope this synopsis of how I run Lantastic with
Wildcat helps. As mentioned, I run wildcat as separate programs for the
workstation and server. This one has proven to work for my system, though
I appreciate that it may not be optimally tuned. Any comments, suggestions,
or criticisms are welcome and can be addressed to me through either the
wildcat support board, the fidonet (250/101), my board (416)-684-7710, or
by voice (416)-684-0866.
Hugh (Mitchell).